The generic name for this re-ordering procedure is Complex Font Layout ( CFL). 这个重新排序过程的通用名字是ComplexFontLayout(CFL)。
Of course, any such operation presupposes the existence of a font covering multiple character sets or enough information to render a complex font to the screen. 当然,任何这种操作都假定了一个先决条件:有一个包括了多种字符集的字体存在,或者有足够多的信息,足以在屏幕上呈现复合的字体。
First it discusses the amount of information& the concept of entropy. It points out that many features of Chinese characters including complex font, great quantity, many differences, huge amounts of information are closely related to the high value of entropy. 首先探讨文字的信息量&熵的概念,指出汉字的诸多特点包括字形复杂、数量庞大、区别度高、信息量大等,都与其高熵值密切相关。